Clinical Dilemmas in Lipid Management


Dr Prakash Deedwania, USA    19 December 2017

Diabetes is associated with 2- to 4-fold increase in the risk of MI, stroke, CHD and HF. Most of the macro- and microvascular complications of diabetes can be prevented by comprehensive management of risk factors including lifestyle changes, BP, dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia.

Of all the risk factors, management of dyslipidemia, especially with high intensity statins provides the maximum benefit in terms of reduction in risk of CV events. Although diabetic patients have multiple complex lipid abnormalities based on currently available evidence from large RCTs, most national and international guidelines recommend treatment with moderate-to-high intensity statins in all patients with diabetes regardless of the presence or absence of CV disorder. Additional therapy with fibrates might be needed in select individuals to control hypertriglyceridemia.

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